
Archive for February 5th, 2016|Daily archive page


In Uncategorized on February 5, 2016 at 1:04 pm

US History A


  • Review ideas, terms and concepts related to the Cold War.
  • Identify ideas, terms and concepts related to the Cold War.
  • Analyze the causes and effects which resulted in the start of the Cold War and the methods the US used in that global struggle as well as evaluate their effects on American society.

Bell Ringer:

Hand in all req formatives.


  1.  Review Kahoot!
  2. Pt I of Summative
  3. Review for Pt II of Summative/Essay Monday

US History B


  • Identify the counterculture, Latino and Native American Civil Rights Movement, Women’s Rights Movement and Environmental Movement.
  • Summarize the origins of counterculture, Latino and Native American Civil Rights Movement, Women’s Rights Movement and Environmental Movement.
  • Analyze the legacies of the counterculture, Latino and Native American Civil Rights Movement, Women’s Rights Movement and Environmental Movement and its impact on the American government.

Bell Ringer:

Report to Teaching Lab in Learning Commons


  1.  Review Unit 2 Summative/Social Movements Comp/Contr Proj
  2. Work on Summative/Due Next Friday



  • Analyze the investigation of a question or topic of history.

Bell Ringer:

Review Prezi on IA Section 3


  1. Discuss Section 3 of IA
  2. Work on Section 3:  REFLECTION ASSIGNMENT
  3. Indiv Meetings on Topic/Quest
  4. Read Yellow Wallpaper
    • 10 Annotations of Social Cond of Women late 19th century America
  5. Nationalism in US/LA and Canada Readings